Aside from all of the rigourous duties a ranger might face daily there are on the odd occasion opportunities that put it all into perspective why we all have such a high regard and passion for what we do. For the most part these humbling experiences happen while guiding guests into some pretty incredible wildlife and nature sightings. Sometimes these experiences come from "wildlife" of a completly different kind as was the case for me a couple of months ago.
Upon arrving back at the lodge after a few days of leave a fellow ranger commeted to me how much of a lucky bugger I was...feeling a bit confused I enquired as to why this was the wish I got "You have got a FHM shoot coming in at the end of the month!!". As you can well imagine news like this travels through a lodge at a pace and excitement was running at an all time high.
After a long month of putting up with the constant jibes of the ranger team, the 3 lovely models arrived along with their entourage for what promised to be a seriously memorable day or so. For the most part my biggest concern was how I was going to keep the other rangers from disturbing the shoot and keeping them from tailing me on drive. After an early afternoon of scouting for locations the bevy of beauties were adorning my cruiser with some eye candy and we were off for a shoot at various locations across the reserve. The process of these of these shoots was some of the most fun you could ever wish to have in a land cruiser.....well sort of!! It's a great atmosphere with great humour and believe me I can can think of hundreds of worse ways to spend a Sunday afternoon! After three shoots with Annique on a picturesque hillside, Tin-Tin around a waterhole with a number of wildebeest looking bewildered (maybe not so dim after all) and Leoni in her zebra lingerie in amongst a herd of pretty curious Zebra we called it a wrap!

After dishing out some sundowner drinks, I couldnt help but look back at the whole scene with the sun setting, the great vibe with great guests and the fantasticly beautiful view (models and landscape) and think to myself what a fantastic privilage it was to experience these things. It goes to show that anytime we get to spend out in the bush doing the job we love should really be appreciated.
...Obviously none of this has to do with my profile pic at the top of the page. As you can see the only thing stopping my smile is my ears.

Now before I seek anymore sympathy I have got 12 Miss Port Elizabeth finaslists arriving soon and I have to prepare.